Sunday, 24 January 2016

Plantation Barbados Grande Reserve Rum (Aged 5 Years) - 40%

Plantation Barbados Grande Reserve Rum (5 years) 40% - Rum Review

Rum Info :

This mid range aged rum sits within a wide selection from the Plantation manufacture. Produced in the glorious island of Barbados, where Plantation rum has been crafting rum since the 17 century. Plantation named so as a tip of their cap to its origins as a low cost drink made for the Plantation slaves as brandy and cherry was reserved for the upper class owners.

Plantation's emblem engraved on the bottle

Description :

While the branding of the label could do with a little TLC to bring it into this century, the look and feel of the bottle really gives off the feel of rum that’s just been sealed straight after decanting from an oak barrel in Barbados. The emblem wax seal of approval has been engraved into the breast of the bottle, which is then wrapped up in a bamboo shoot netting. A truly rustic look that deserves to be a top of any 2nd shelf tiki bar.

"Sipped" with a wedge of lime
While the bottle suggests a strong, raw tasting rum, the delicate glugging sound created as you pour out of the long neck gives a truer reflection of what’s in store.

You can smell a very light aroma. Vanilla, oranges and smokey oak delicately layer into the nostrils. Visually this is a very light gold colour, surprisingly light for a 5 year aged rum. You can really taste the smokey barrels in which the rum has been absorbing for so many years which comes through over the light sweet rum.

Serving Suggestions :

Serve over ice with a piece of dark chocolate or wedge of lime

Rating :

A strong 3 out of 5

Find Out More :

Additional Comments:

SR: “sweet like candy”

Written by Chris. H, Soren R & Oli, L